Friday, May 5, 2023

Guaranteed Removals Review

Your business’s reputation is the difference between continued growth and boosted sales. Too much negative publicity means you need an online reputation management (ORM) company to do damage control.

Guaranteed Removals can be the answer to your prayers. This company has spent 12 years offering reputation management services to brands struggling with negative reviews, articles, and other unfavorable content.

See how Guaranteed Removals eliminates negative content and restores your business’s reputation.

How Guaranteed Removals Compares to Top Online Reputation Management Companies

Guaranteed Removals boasts an A+ BBB rating and offers comprehensive service for reputation management and negative content removal. It guarantees content removal, whether you need the team to remove a Google review or take a photo down from a stock website. If this is the exact service you need, Guaranteed Removals could be a good solution. That said, it did not make our list of recommendations for the best online reputation management companies:

There are a lot of positives about Guaranteed Removals, but there are also some tradeoffs. If you are really struggling with getting content removed, however, Guaranteed Removals team may be able to succeed where other ORM companies can’t. Keep reading to get the full story.

Guaranteed Removals Pros and Cons

Guaranteed Removals reputation management landing page with a woman sitting at a desk in front of a laptop talking on the phone.
Guaranteed Removals specializes in online reputation management for businesses and individuals.


  • Fast content removal
  • Only pay for results
  • Excellent customer service
  • Thorough and professional


  • Content removal is not continuous
  • Takes longer to remove difficult content

Guaranteed Removals Reputation Analysis

Guaranteed Removals "How We Are Different" page

Before a reputation management company can begin its campaign for your business, it should do a reputation analysis. The analysis looks at various factors that may impact your company’s success, including:

  • Reviews
  • News articles
  • Photos
  • Criminal records
  • Defamation

Knowing which factors affect your business most helps reputation management professionals target the right content and remove it to boost your reputation.

Guaranteed Removals starts by looking at your company’s online presence and works to understand your goals. It identifies the content that you need removed and ensures that they have all the right information to expedite the process. Its removal strategists then determine the best approach to removing any negative content.

Guaranteed Removals Search Engine Optimization

Guaranteed Removals Keyword Monitoring page

As one of the most important factors when it comes to ranking with search engines, SEO can harm your business as much as it helps. If a negative article about your company ranks on Google’s first page, potential customers may read the article and choose your competitor without even looking at your website.

Guaranteed Removals designs a removal campaign using strategic SEO, outreach, and legal expertise to create the most effective content removal campaign. Its experts also perform a SERP analysis to determine what needs improvement and where.

Guaranteed Removals will give you access to experts in the field of SEO. These experts will be able to generate a strategy and campaign that will cover your entire digital content creation plan. Having a content plan that manages your SEO practices across your webpages, blogs, social media accounts, and other areas gives you the best chance to maintain consistent results.

If you want more than negative content removal, Guaranteed Removals can create positive content by getting your business cited in news articles, creating backlinks to your business in blog posts, and using other SEO techniques to boost your company online. The company works with you to turn your business’s reputation around and increase the benefits you receive from their reputation management campaign.

Guaranteed Removals Pricing

Screenshot of Guaranteed Removals pricing page with headline that says, "No Hassle and No Risk!"

Guaranteed Removals doesn’t have any pricing on its website. But they offer free quotes customized specifically to your needs.

Our research indicates that these services typically fall between $3,000 and $15,000—depending on the complexity and extent of the services provided. Guaranteed Removals doesn’t charge you until the services have been completed. If you end the contract before the work is done, you’ll only pay for what they completed to that point.

This pricing model is appealing to businesses as you don’t have any upfront risk. But just be aware that the services could cost more if the content removal proves more challenging.

Overall, this is pretty standard for most ORM companies. Other options on the market, like WebiMax, have similar policies—and few of them show specific pricing online. This makes it difficult to compare costs between companies, so your best bet is to get a quote from multiple ORM companies to find the best deal for your business.

Since the quotes are free to obtain, there’s no harm in shopping around for the best value.

Guaranteed Removals Customer Support

Guaranteed Removals Content Removals FAQs with question "Can negative content really be removed?" and response

Guaranteed Removals is known for its excellent customer service. When you’re dealing with reputation management and negative content removal, having diligent, friendly representatives can make a difficult process more manageable.

The Guaranteed Removals team is professional and efficient when answering questions. They give you regular updates on their progress and work closely with their clients to understand specific issues and resolve them quickly.

You can reach Guaranteed Removals customer support Monday through Friday from 8:00am to 6:00pm at 866-689-2261. If you have questions outside business hours, you can email them at or use the contact form on their website.

Guaranteed Removals Content Removal

Screenshot of Guaranteed Removal’s content removal and reputation management process.
Guaranteed Removals helps identify, remove, and suppress negative content.

Even if you’ve been told your negative content can’t be removed, Guaranteed Removals claims to be able to do it. Instead of trying to bump the content down in search results, its experts eliminate it, so potential customers can’t find it.

Guaranteed Results claims to specialize in removing challenging and complex content that is affecting your online reputation. Rather than focusing on certain industries or types of businesses in its content removal services, Guaranteed Results simply tries to focus on the type and source of content. 

The company guarantees the removal of many different content types, including false accusations, negative videos, and forum posts. It also offers lifetime removal assurance, so you don’t have to worry about the same content cropping up later without being able to get it taken down.

Like top competitors WebiMax and NetReputation, Guaranteed Removals offers a positive content report to show you the impact of negative content removal on your business. It also offers a range of services to boost your company’s reputation after finishing the campaign, including:

  • Public relations
  • SEO
  • Social media management
  • Reputation monitoring
  • Branding
  • Internet privacy solutions

When removing negative content on its own isn’t enough, Guaranteed Removals’ content removal and reputation management services go the extra mile to increase sales.

Guaranteed Removals Google Search Results

Guaranteed Removals image of "Our Content Removal Services"

You want your business to rank on Google’s first page, but not if it ranks with negative results. When you need negative search results and Google reviews removed, Guaranteed Removals finds them and takes them down. This helps ensure that the first page only displays your business, positive reviews, and web pages that help you gain customers.

The team then uses their SEO expertise to boost your search engine ranking so that people find your business more easily. With this particular service, they focus on improving Google search results so that customers can’t find:

  • Private information
  • Legal documents
  • Fake reviews
  • Appearances on attack sites
  • Unwelcome images or videos

Google’s search algorithm factors brand reputation and authority into its rankings, too. By improving your business’s trustworthiness and content value, you can rank higher and put your business in a better position to serve its customers.

Guaranteed Removals Personal Information Removal

Guaranteed Removals image of "Protect Your Name & Online Image"

When you run a business online, you risk having personal details about yourself available as well. Some of this information can impact your company’s reputation, even if it has nothing to do with your business itself.

Guaranteed Removals works to remove personal information that may harm you or your business, including your name, home address, and more. With its complementary privacy monitoring, it can continue to detect further privacy threats and remove them before they cause problems for you and your business.

Guaranteed Removals News Articles

Guaranteed Removals image of "Remove Articles From Major News Platforms"

Search engines boost news articles, even if they don’t necessarily have accurate information. With the potential for misinformation comes the possibility of harming your business’s reputation.

Guaranteed Removals permanently takes down any news articles that harm your business’s reputation. It can remove negative articles from various sources, including major news platforms such as:

  • CBS News
  • BBC
  • CNN
  • USA Today
  • ABC News

Beyond simply removing the articles, Guaranteed Removals creates a strategy with alternative solutions that rank higher than negative articles as they work to remove them. Value-driven content creation reduces the risk of further negative content surfacing and keeps positive content at the top of search results.

Guaranteed Removals Online Reviews and Photos

Guaranteed Removals image of "Our Content Removal Approach" and how to remove negative pictures from all platforms

Just as positive reviews bring in customers, negative reviews drive them away. Positive reviews increase revenue, and most consumers not only research businesses before buying from them but trust online reviews to provide accurate accounts of products and services.

Negative reviews can cause significant damage to your reputation, as well as cost you customers and money. Guaranteed Removals finds and removes customer reviews on various platforms, including:

  • Google
  • Yelp
  • Glassdoor
  • Trustpilot
  • Indeed

Simply removing negative reviews is not enough. It’s also important to create a strategy that allows your positive reviews to overwhelm and push down any negative reviews that may appear in the future. Guaranteed Removals performs both of these functions for you.

The experts at Guaranteed Removals will work alongside your marketing team to create a strategy for responding to negative online reviews. This holistic approach should give you the best overall results, creating consistency across all your platforms.

Along with reviews, negative images can give customers the wrong impression about you and your company. Guaranteed Removals works to eliminate them from various image platforms, including Pinterest, Shutterstock, and Flickr. The team also forms a strategy to boost positive images at the same time so that more people see your business favorably.

Guaranteed Removals Defamation

Guaranteed Removals image of "Go With The Experts" and lists of websites defamation can be removed from

Many people hire lawyers to control online defamation. However, Guaranteed Removals typically costs less and fully removes the harmful content so you can begin rebuilding your company’s reputation.

Its experts remove defamation from social media, google, and defamation sites so that you can feel secure in knowing that no one can use your personal information against your business. Then, with their positive reputation management services, they’ll help you improve your online image.

Guaranteed Removals Criminal Records

Guaranteed Removals image of "Permanently Remove Mugshots and Criminal Records from the Internet"

When past criminal records follow you into your present, it can deter consumers from your business. Guaranteed Removals finds mugshots, court records, and criminal records online and deletes them, so they no longer appear in search engines. Their specialists also remove them from legal sites such as:

  • CourtListener
  • Casemine
  • Law360
  • Unicourt
  • Docket Alarm

Guaranteed Removals prevents these records from being found by potential customers so that past crimes don’t ruin your business’s success.

Guaranteed Removals Positive Reputation Management

Guaranteed Removals image of taking your search results to the next level with a list of personalized campaigns their SEO experts can design

Guaranteed Removals goes beyond removing negative content. Positive Reputation Management creates content that outranks and provides an authoritative voice for your business.

By creating relevant content, the team improves your search engine ranking, drives sales, and increases visibility, as well as repairs your online reputation. With Positive Reputation Management from Guaranteed Removals, you get:

  • SEO websites
  • Blog posts and articles
  • Marketing materials and strategies
  • Social media content
  • Podcasts and videos

Once Guaranteed Removals creates content for your business, you own it, even after its specialists finish working on your campaign. All materials are customized to your needs while you retain the long-term benefit of optimized content.

Guaranteed Removals also offers its Keyword Monitoring Service, which allows you to see reputation reports, SEO insights, and search result monitoring for your company.

Guaranteed Removals Review Board Management

Guaranteed Removals image of "Power Your Brand Through Online Reviews" with tools to help you grow and build client trust

Guaranteed Removals removes negative reviews from the internet, but it can also help manage review boards and provide an expert customer service solution for your business. With this service, its marketing experts become part of your marketing team by finding negative reviews, responding to reviews on social media and professional websites, and providing information about how you compare to the competition.

Their strategic marketing works to raise your star ratings, which in turn, increases sales and interest in your business. With their help, you can prevent negative reviews from tarnishing your business’s reputation by resolving issues quickly.

When customers feel that you’re attentive to their problems, it builds trust and improves relationships with customers, creating more success for your company.

The Best Online Reputation Management Companies

You have a lot of good options when it comes to dealing with your online reputation. For any situation, there is a company out there ready to help:

If negative content is your main concern, Guaranteed Removals could be a good option, but you should still check out the full list of online reputation management companies we recommend.

Guaranteed Removals: Your Top Questions Answered


For over 12 years, Guaranteed Removals has offered businesses a way to protect their reputation with customizable reputation management. Guaranteed Removals successfully deletes any negative content about your company while working to boost its positive reviews, articles, and more.

With additional services like Positive Reputation Management, Guaranteed Removals makes for an excellent option when it comes to improving your marketing and reputation.

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