Saturday, December 5, 2020

Content Gorilla 2.0 Review - Bonus And Demo

 I don’t know about you but I find writing content a pretty boring job. And when I am done, I lose motivation to tell others about it.

And, the thing is - if you want your website to be anywhere near the top on search engines, you need content. And you need a lot of it. And you need it consistently.

Now that right there is the most boring and painstakingly time consuming thing to do. Few people enjoy writing (good for them) but I have never really had fun and wrote articles at the same time.

I am sure you can relate too. Blogging is boring. But not anymore - with Content Gorilla 2.0 - you can create unlimited number of articles with just a click of the button.

AND you can instantly syndicate them via Facebook, Twitter & LinkedIn to get INSTANT traffic.

Content Gorilla 2.0 Review

Content Gorilla 2.0 is a web app which allows you to take subtitles from any YouTube video and convert them into a blog post. It takes no more than a couple minutes to do that. And in another 15 seconds, you can see your link being shared FAR and WIDE.

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